
Saturday, May 24, 2003

I just saw the dumbest commercial; here's how it goes:

You see some guy working underneath a car, he's talking to someone, probably his son, about how to work on the car. Then says, "It's got a lot of miles on it, but someday this car will be yours." The camera cuts to a bird's eye view, and you see that there is a baby, with diapers and all, with it's front half under the car with him.

I was ok with the commercial at this point. It wasn't funny but I understood it.

Then underneath the two, in small, bold, white letters it said. "Do not attempt."

Exactly who the hell would watch this commercial and think? "Baby's can learn mechanics? Fuck! Jane! get Bobby over here! I'm throwing the little bastard in the Metro to give me a tune up!" Only after you learn that babies and fan belts don't mix do you decide to pick up the phone and sue the engine oil company that ran the commercial.

I think if there are seriously people that stupid, that instead of "Do not attempt." we should have another commercial right after that commercial, run by DSS and your local police dept. "If you stick your baby anywhere in your car besides in a seat, we'll take him away and we'll put you in jail where you'll have to watch 1-800-CALL-COLLECT commercials for the rest of your life.

Personally I think the commercial would have been a hit if Snoop Dogg had shown up and said, while blowing out smoke "Do not attempt this n' shit."

Listening to: Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
May 20, 2003

Dear Mr. Collin:

We have completed the search for our 2003 summer interns. We received an overwhelming response from applicants this season for a very limited number of internships. Unfortunately, we are not able to extend you an offer at this time.

For one thing, if you were offering summer internships, would you way until May to decide on them??? Thank god I'm already set to go to England, where I'll be taking Introduction to Econometrics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Boooya!

Not much else, except wednesday I'm going up to Fort Mill and then to Carborro, NC to see Alkaline Trio with Karen :)

Got the new Deftones cd, which kicks ass in a return-to-metal sort of way.

Listening to: Deftones - Needles and Pins

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