Saturday, November 06, 2004
The illustrious Dr. Eddie

This year may not have been a great year for electing presidents, but has been an amazing year for local TV ads. My two favorites are Talk & Tan and Tony’s Restaurant.
Talk & Tan is a stroke of pure genius. Everyone knows that cell phones and tanning go together like peanut butter and jelly, so the folks at T&T have thrown them together in one store. Not only does it offer a multitude of cellular options, it also has a wide variety of tanning booths.
It’s a scary world out there: a world where you might not be given the right advice on tanning. That’s why Talk & Tan is run by Dr. Eddie, who reassures us of his abilities wearing a stethoscope and a lab-coat, and motioning to us with a pair of glasses while reminding us that he can diagnose our tanning needs. Personally, I find the mullet to be the highlight of this commercial.
The commercial for Tony’s Restaurant is more subtle. We are treated to the grey-faced Tony, charming in his own Dracula-like ways, as he talks to us in his somewhere-from-the-Mediterranean-accent. He repeats several times through the commercial, “If you haven’t heard of us, then ask your neighbor!”
Now, as alluring we found Talk & Tan’s offer, we decided to give Tony’s Restaurant a try. The brave 4 that decided to make this ultimate sacrifice were Matt, Chris Shelley, Ben, and me. The drive took us deep into the desolation of first Liberty and then Pickens. The directions were exact: Tony’s Restaurant stood before us, it’s giant red sign a beacon for the hungry.

Tony’s fit the picture perfectly. A weird looking hostess showed us to our table with little rips on the tablecloth. After we were seated, she appeared to look under our table. I assumed she was scouring for roaches before I realized she was looking intently at the table number. She took our drink orders and left. A family sat down at a table nearby, and one of the kids turned the sound all the way up on his Gameboy and started playing.
Our waitress appeared, and I nearly laughed out-loud. I had been forming a picture of Tony’s the whole night, and she completed it: she was pregnant and looked ready to give birth. I choked back a laugh and gave her my order.
We were not given rolls with our salad, we were instead given about 25 packets of Captain’s Wafers (crackers). We ate a lot of crackers. Matt asked for honey-mustard dressing, and was given what *appeared* to be a mustard squeeze bottle, but turned out to be what he requested. The actual food was good.
Mission accomplished.
However, we never got to see Tony…
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Hell to pay
So apparently the election was chosen on values, not on the current state of our country. Despite the fact that we have a president that let the guard down on terrorism early in his career, took us to war on false pretenses, then having the audacity to connect that conflict with 9/11. We have a president that has send over 1,000 of our young men and women to die for the wrong cause. We have a president that pushed through a gigantic tax cut against the wishes of the top economists in the US.
Despite the fact that the government needs the money to wage this horrible war, we will continue to lower taxes. This president has done nothing for the environment in a time it truly needs our special consideration. If I had my way, this president would never set foot outside his range in Texas, suitable punishment for a war that has cost us dearly.
This president has galvanized the terrorist movement around the world. Terrorism is at all all-time high, and recruitments have shot up now that they have a clearly defined enemy. Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose. I expect an attack some time within the next 4 years.
Yet, according to those that voted for Bush, the number one issue was "values".
Apparently the son of a president who has used cocaine, been an alcoholic for most of his adult life, and who has a dubious record of service in the Texas Air Force Reserve, is somehow superior in the realm of values because he opposes gay marriage, when his opponent, a man dedicated to over 30 years of public service, both in the theater of war and in politics, also opposed gay marriage.
We deserve everything we get over the next four years. We deserve every single bit of it. However, I'm proud that I spoke out on Tuesday. I cast my ballot against this man that has hurt my country for four years in a row. Remember this when there is hell to pay later on.
Despite the fact that the government needs the money to wage this horrible war, we will continue to lower taxes. This president has done nothing for the environment in a time it truly needs our special consideration. If I had my way, this president would never set foot outside his range in Texas, suitable punishment for a war that has cost us dearly.
This president has galvanized the terrorist movement around the world. Terrorism is at all all-time high, and recruitments have shot up now that they have a clearly defined enemy. Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose. I expect an attack some time within the next 4 years.
Yet, according to those that voted for Bush, the number one issue was "values".
Apparently the son of a president who has used cocaine, been an alcoholic for most of his adult life, and who has a dubious record of service in the Texas Air Force Reserve, is somehow superior in the realm of values because he opposes gay marriage, when his opponent, a man dedicated to over 30 years of public service, both in the theater of war and in politics, also opposed gay marriage.
We deserve everything we get over the next four years. We deserve every single bit of it. However, I'm proud that I spoke out on Tuesday. I cast my ballot against this man that has hurt my country for four years in a row. Remember this when there is hell to pay later on.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Election Update
We don’t have a president yet. Why not?
Well, it’s been a tense and once again an unprecedented election night. Kerry’s predicted win has slipped into a grapple to hold on, much like Gore’s attempt to remain in the public light after election night in 2000. The Democratic party is down, but not out. Let’s take a look at where we were when I submitted this blog.
Bush: 254 electoral votes
Kerry: 242 electoral votes
States that haven’t been called yet:
Wisconsin - 10 (Kerry leading)
States that won’t know until tomorrow or late:
New Mexico - 5
Iowa -7
Ohio - 20
Bush is leading 51% to 48% in the popular vote, by almost 4 million votes. Voter turnout was pretty good, but the youth turnout (18-24) was the same percentage it was 4 years ago.
Basically the election has come down to Ohio. If Kerry takes 8 electoral votes from any of the non-Ohio states, Ohio can give him the presidency. However, if Ohio goes to Bush, the election is over.
Not surprisingly, the Kerry campaign wants to count all the votes in Ohio before deciding the outcome. Almost all of the precincts from Ohio are reporting, but there are still the provisional ballots (completed if something had gone wrong with traditional registration) that need to be counted, but by state law this can’t happen for another 10 days.
The Republicans are claiming there are only 125,000 provisional ballots yet to be counter. However, the Democrats and Ken Blackwell say there may be as many as 250,000 provisional ballots yet to be counter. This does not include overseas ballots. This difference is significant, as the latter allows a possible Democratic victory, while the former does not.
Both New Mexico and Iowa have chickened out, and announced due to either absentee ballots (NM) or election official fatigue (Iowa) they won’t finish counting until tomorrow.
The Kerry campaign also had the legal right to demand a recount in Ohio. However, as things continue to look grim, it’s possible that Kerry could concede in the near future (or might have already done so by the time you read this).
UPDATE: The president wants New Mexico called. Once it has been called by CNN, they are going to claim victory even if Kerry does not concede, as they believe the Democracts cannot mathematically claim Ohio. By the time you read this, Bush may already have declared victory. This will put pressure on Kerry to follow up by conceding.
Well, it’s been a tense and once again an unprecedented election night. Kerry’s predicted win has slipped into a grapple to hold on, much like Gore’s attempt to remain in the public light after election night in 2000. The Democratic party is down, but not out. Let’s take a look at where we were when I submitted this blog.
Bush: 254 electoral votes
Kerry: 242 electoral votes
States that haven’t been called yet:
Wisconsin - 10 (Kerry leading)
States that won’t know until tomorrow or late:
New Mexico - 5
Iowa -7
Ohio - 20
Bush is leading 51% to 48% in the popular vote, by almost 4 million votes. Voter turnout was pretty good, but the youth turnout (18-24) was the same percentage it was 4 years ago.
Basically the election has come down to Ohio. If Kerry takes 8 electoral votes from any of the non-Ohio states, Ohio can give him the presidency. However, if Ohio goes to Bush, the election is over.
Not surprisingly, the Kerry campaign wants to count all the votes in Ohio before deciding the outcome. Almost all of the precincts from Ohio are reporting, but there are still the provisional ballots (completed if something had gone wrong with traditional registration) that need to be counted, but by state law this can’t happen for another 10 days.
The Republicans are claiming there are only 125,000 provisional ballots yet to be counter. However, the Democrats and Ken Blackwell say there may be as many as 250,000 provisional ballots yet to be counter. This does not include overseas ballots. This difference is significant, as the latter allows a possible Democratic victory, while the former does not.
Both New Mexico and Iowa have chickened out, and announced due to either absentee ballots (NM) or election official fatigue (Iowa) they won’t finish counting until tomorrow.
The Kerry campaign also had the legal right to demand a recount in Ohio. However, as things continue to look grim, it’s possible that Kerry could concede in the near future (or might have already done so by the time you read this).
UPDATE: The president wants New Mexico called. Once it has been called by CNN, they are going to claim victory even if Kerry does not concede, as they believe the Democracts cannot mathematically claim Ohio. By the time you read this, Bush may already have declared victory. This will put pressure on Kerry to follow up by conceding.
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
I'm upping the ante
Things aren't looking too good at the moment, and as I'm concerned for my country, I'm going to inrease the personal stakes: If Kerry wins I'll....
Go bowling on a friday night
Watch "Undercover Brother"
Name 10 objects in my room after cities in Ohio.
Kick a Floridian's ass.
Give Team Scode some candy
Go bowling on a friday night
Watch "Undercover Brother"
Name 10 objects in my room after cities in Ohio.
Kick a Floridian's ass.
Give Team Scode some candy
Monday, November 01, 2004
You know what to do
Please, get out and vote tomorrow guys. Even if your state is going to be carried by the opposing party. Even if you're black and living in Ohio. Even if you don't like either candidate, it's important that we all get out there and strut our stuff. Show them that the young people of this country really do care about the future ahead of us.
And, if you would be so kind as to oblige: vote for change this Tuesday, vote for John Kerry. If you're not pleased with the way we are now vs the way we were 4 years ago, after 8 years of a Clinton admin, vote for the Democrats. He's not perfect... hell he's far from it, but he's not going to send our kids into another war. He's not going to trash the environment, and he's not going to make you feel like terrorists are waiting to get you every moment of the day. This is oversimplification, but I feel I've done a fair amount of honest debate already.
I'm going to make a couple promises to myself. If John Kerry wins, I'm going to:
1. Run 3 times a week again
2. Kiss a girl before the end of the year
3. Hug a Republican
4. smile more often
5. consider staying in the US for graduate school.
Although crazy things could happen tomorrow, I'm going to go ahead and call the election for John Kerry.
Goodnight everyone, and good luck getting your vote in tomorrow.
And, if you would be so kind as to oblige: vote for change this Tuesday, vote for John Kerry. If you're not pleased with the way we are now vs the way we were 4 years ago, after 8 years of a Clinton admin, vote for the Democrats. He's not perfect... hell he's far from it, but he's not going to send our kids into another war. He's not going to trash the environment, and he's not going to make you feel like terrorists are waiting to get you every moment of the day. This is oversimplification, but I feel I've done a fair amount of honest debate already.
I'm going to make a couple promises to myself. If John Kerry wins, I'm going to:
1. Run 3 times a week again
2. Kiss a girl before the end of the year
3. Hug a Republican
4. smile more often
5. consider staying in the US for graduate school.
Although crazy things could happen tomorrow, I'm going to go ahead and call the election for John Kerry.
Goodnight everyone, and good luck getting your vote in tomorrow.