Friday, April 23, 2004

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Monday, April 19, 2004
If I could walk 500 hundred miles...
As of Sunday night, I've run roughly 75 miles this semester. This isn't much by a typical runner's standard, but it got me thinking. Here's a question for everyone: If you had to run 75 miles right now, where would you run to?
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Part 2
A couple of days ago I said I'd start my own internet mix for you all to put together. Well here is the second (and third) song for your listening enjoyment. They are two tracks that really go together, so enjoy. Remember to order this behind my last music post when you download.
2. Mogwai - Radar Maker
3. Mogwai - Tracy

2. Mogwai - Radar Maker
3. Mogwai - Tracy
Battle Cry
He's just trying to hug you, Ben!

So Ben, Kimmie, Mike and I are playing Hunter: The Reckoning on the Gamecube. It's a pretty fun game, which lets you run around with up to four people shooting undead and stuff. The only thing that sucks is that the bosses are incredibly hard, taking waaay too much damage.
So we're a little bit into the game, and we have to escort this little girl to a church to get her to her parents (the whole town is going nuts because zombies are everywhere). After wading through millions of zombies in a graveyard, we finally made it to the church. 'Kaylie' was so overjoyed to see her parents, she dropped her teddy bear while she ran to them. Mike chuckled, and said, half-joking, "Watch the teddy bear turn into a monster." We all laughed, then stopped as we saw a blue aura envelope the teddy bear as it levitated. Suddenly it turned into a huge fucking evil teddy bear with teeth! (Kimmie's character said "Aw hell no!") In two steps and one swipe, the bear killed Kaylie's parents. Suddenly we were back in the game as the thing went nuts, crashing through pews to get to us. It caught up to me, and after hitting me once or twice, it proceeded to vomit evil brown bear goop on us. It was insane... after several tries we were unable to beat it, so we gave up for the night.