
Sunday, September 25, 2005

Rough lads 

This is worth breaking my Livejournal vow-of-silence over.

I arrived in Oxford yesterday. That afternoon, I decided to go hunting for a power strip, so I walked up Banbury road to a shopping area near summertown. As I was walking along, I heard the beep-beep of a car horn, and turned around to find a blue convertible pulling into the sidestreet right behind me. The driver was looking at me, and when he saw he had my attention, he leaped out of the car and walked over to me. He was short with a sparse, spikey mohawk, but fashionably dressed.

I figured this guy was in dire need of directions, so I wasn't surprised when he asked, "Are you English?"

"Well, sort of, do you need directions?" I replied.

"No," he said, "I just saw your ginger hair, and was wondering if you'd be interested in some modeling?"

"Uhhhhh," I muttered as I looked down at the card he was holding out. On the card was a web address.

Rough Lads: http://www.roughlads.com

Now, I'm no expert when it comes to modeling agencies, but I was pretty damn sure that there weren't any out there called Rough Lads. At least, not any reputable ones. The name Rough Lads reeks of "naked men" or "gay porn," so I very quickly replied, "OHHHhhhh, no! No! But thanks!" he smiled and nodded as I walked quickly away.

Just now I carefullyu visited the website, expecting to be bombarded with images I'd rather not see, but instead have just found a website with the guy's contact details on it. Very sketchy if you ask me.

Ahhh a life of modeling traded for development economics.

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