
Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Deism should be religion of choice in Africa, because the rest of the world, after creating what is today modern day Africa, has stepped back to see what will happen.

I was watching CNN headline news yesterday... or rather I had it on in the background as I was doing immensly interesting things. The funny thing that CNN does is determine the overall importance of news by placing it in different parts of the screen. Not so important news goes on the scroll bar, while the important stuff is read by the anchor. Well yesterday, the guy was explaining how millions of dollars of tax revenue was lost to New York because of the 9-11 incident, and on the scroll bar...... there was text mentioning the fact that war in the Congo has killed several million people. We lost our way a long time ago when millions of deaths were reduced to scroll bars and nothing else. Did you know that that war kills more people every day than the number of people killed in the attack on the World Trade Center?

On a brighter note, Rwanda and Congo signed a peace accord the other day, so a good deal of the fighting will stop, but not the starvation. We are so obsessed with the little problems... routing out a couple thousand terrorsts.... planning a war with a country that no one is talking about (more on this later). AIDS is going to kill roughly 70 million people in Africa over the next 20 years. Pardon mi espaƱol but that is a shitload of people. If 70 million people died in the US, we would be reducing our population by roughly 25%. What is the US doing to help this crisis? Absolute zip. Some of you make ask why we should help people in another country far away.... because we are pretty much the only people who can, but we are too obsessed with keeping our drug companies fat and happy to crack down on them and make them start pumping out some seriously cheap generics for that contintent.

Well that is my rant for today, I hope you enjoyed it, here are some links to make you rethink your position. Read them for your sake.
The latest AIDS conference.
Mandela for AIDS drugs.
Point/Counterpoint: Nigeria
Point/Counterpoint: Hunger

Right now I am listening to: Drugstore & Thom Yorke - El Presidente

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