
Sunday, October 20, 2002

Signs that you might be playing Deus Ex too much.

1. When people address you by your first name, you insist they remain professional, and call you "JC."
2. You crouch walk when going around corners.
3. You tried to take out the dorm's surveillance camera with your PDA
4. You continuously attack any box you come across with a crowbar.
5. You walk around in a trenchcoat and shades... during the summer.
6. You don't borrow someone's computer, you "hack the mainframe."
7. You assume that everyone is just part of the conspiracy.
8. You never take a piss.
9. You ask your local physician if he installs augmentations.
10. You talk to "Alex" even in crowded public places.

Listening to: Abandoned Pools - Remedy

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