
Monday, November 11, 2002

World War III

So we're getting up from the table during dinner, and this one girl that I noticed (that was rather attractive) waves to Deidra.. so I lean towards her and say.

"Say Deidra.. was that girl waving at you?" *Grin*

"Yeah.... why?"

"She's..uh.... rather hot!"

"Oh really? Well that's great because she has a fiance'."


That, my friend, is what we call the F-BOMB. Deidra dropped it on me for someone else. Before you can understand what the F-BOMB is, you must know what the B-BOMB is. Here is a fictional example.

Girl: "Hey !"
Guy: " Hey ! So how are things going?"
Girl: "Things are going ok, a little lonely though."
Guy: "Well... you know... maybe we could get together sometime."
Girl: "Whoa! Nice shoes, hey, I think those are the same shoes my boyfriend wears"
Guy: "Hrruug!" *dies*

That is the B-BOMB, one of the horrible weapons a woman can wield: the ability at any time to announce the existence of a real or fictional boyfriend. They like to hold on to the fact, instead of announcing it early, because they like to see us writhe when we find it out much later.

You have been warned.

Listening to: Audinaut - The Knew You

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