
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

I just realized that my life may come to an end really soon, so I thought I'd make a final post.

Yes, I'm afraid I and several others made the possibly fatal decision to indulge in the seafood bar offered by Harcombe today. I ate my fill of shrimp, crab, and *gasp* sushi. We all admitted that right after finishing the meal we all felt a little weird. In preperation for my potential demise I thought I might just note that Scott also ate some sushi (although not as much as me), so at least I can take him out with me.

Goodbye (maybe) forever everyone. You'll find my sad, food-poisoned body curled up in a cubicle of the west (in orientation from the front) wall on the 5th floor of the library, clutching my Linear Algebra book.


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