
Friday, March 19, 2004

Woke up today with a really sore throat, so during lunch Mom told me to come into the office later for a rapid strep test. While I was there I tested negative, but apparently I have a 100+ fever. Right after being told this I began to feel crappy, so I have spent the day in bed watching movies... and not getting work done. I should be better by tomorrow though... I have yet to get permanently sick since I started college (with the exception of Whooping cough). To add to the pain I screwed up my knee doing a roundhouse kick (because bored guys like to bust out with kung-fu) so now I'm limping around with a fever and bad throat :-/

Done anything else this week? Not really... tried to work on my biology test a little. Went to the dentist on Wednesday. I'm having my teeth cleaned when I hear the dentist in a different room say to someone, "Now if you start to feel any pain, raise your hand," and I couldn't help but laugh out loud (well, gurgle). I imagined someone raising their hand sheepishly as the dentist made them wish they'd never been born... I think it would be funnier to see someone slugging the dentist the moment they felt the pain.

Just opened the top off a fresh Pringles can... and the seal says "made in the USA" which is good, because I don't want my fatty potato chips being shipped from Taiwan! Lo and behold! Despite the fact that it says Salt and Vinegar on the can, these are regular!! Damn you Mr. Pringle!!

If I'm better tomorrow...

Listening to:
Vast - Flames

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