Saturday, May 08, 2004
Death of virginity

What if there was a death of virginity? Imagine, this couple has just finished that very special moment together for the very first time, and suddenly a grim reaper is standing next to the bed!
Girl: Ayieeeee!
Boy: Holy Jesus!
Death: Nothing to worry about folks, I'm just the death of virginity! I've come to take it take it away!
Boy: Strange...
Girl: Run! He's got a scythe!
Boy: Don't worry.. everything is fine! He's just here to take our virginity..
Death: (While checking clipboard) No, just yours.
Boy: What?
Girl: Rick...
Death: (Motioning to boy) I'm just taking yours.
Boy: WHAT?

I've always like the idea of Death being a character, rather than just an image. Terry Pratchett, who writes the Discworld series, always had death as a major character (and even the protagonist in a few books). Death had emotions, made interesting conversation, and liked curry and stroking kittens. Family Guy attempted to give Death personality as well, although it didn't work quite as well, as there are 3 different episodes with different deaths in each one. I think it's a good way of avoiding the thought of real death, which is fine by me!
For the record: Van Helsing is worth a viewing, but is full of enough cheese to feed the entire audience quesadillas!