Friday, May 28, 2004
The mammary city of Manchester

In my last post, I put forth the notion that English women, while not necessarily being more beautiful than American women, are actually sexier in general than American women. I threw this idea to my father, who suggested that English women were better endowed. I guess I can't really tell. Could this really be the case? I wonder if anyone has done a study on it. I guess I could do it myself, for some real hands-on experience(short drum roll)
Anyway, speaking of the mammary, I might as well talk about the dance I saw Wednesday night. Dad and I went to it on a whim, and despite being surrounded by 14 year old English school girl class, we managed to have a great night.
The group was based in Holland, and the initial performance was danced to very minimalist music. The very first piece involved someone talking in French, and then the same line in reverse, at which point the dancers would dance part of the same piece in reverse. The music was very industrial sometimes, and quite haunting, and the dancing was damn good (spot on).
In the second half of the first piece, two bare-chested men jumped onto the stage, and once of them landed on his back, while the other danced over him. Upon closer observation (dim light) everyone suddenly realized at the same time that the second man was in fact a beautiful woman, topless. This took quite a bit of courage, for she performed the entire piece without a top on. It was actually quite beautiful, and devoid of any sort of sexual snickering or giggling. It feels nice to see the human body treated with respect for a change, rather than with fear. If this production had gone on in the US, there would be signs up everywhere warning the audience that someone was going to take their top off.
Afterwards there was a hilarious piece where, in the music, awoman was talking, often repeating past phrases, and two dancers had a set move for every word she spoke. She was saying pretty silly things, and the dancers were dancing in a very silly way, so it got a lot of laughs out of the audience.
Next there was a dance that was to some very simple classical music, but the actual dancing was beautiful. I'm sorry, I'm horrible at describing dance. It's strange, but I've always loved live modern dance. The weirder it gets, the better.
I've found a link for the company, along with some videos of their recent performances. Check out the first two 27'52 and Subject to change.
I'm off to see Coheed and Cambria tonight, I'll let you know how it goes before I head off to Beverley tommorow.