Thursday, June 03, 2004
When there is no more room left in hell...
..the dead will walk the earth.
Jesus H Christ, I just woke up from a pretty scary nightmare with a huge budget. I remember most of it, but may have to fill in some of the minor details to make the story continuous:
I was driving for some reason, and I arrived in a big parking lot area (like the kind you find with stores all along the periphery of the parking lot. I got out of the car and started wandering over to a big crowd that seemed to be hanging out by a store. Some people began to break from the crowd, and ran past me screaming their heads off. I then noticed that some of the people didn’t look right, and that they began walking towards me. It didn’t take me very long to notice they were zombies, so I turned to run back to my car, only to discover that it had also been overrun by people trying to escape and then zombie on top of them. I looked about frantically, and finally saw a small car garage not far off. As I ran towards it I met up with a girl (my age) who was also making for it. We got in without any zombies really noticing us, so we slammed the outer door shut.
We talked for a while, mostly about what our next move was and what car we were going to take. In the end, we found a Camaro-like car with the keys on the seat. It was small and maneuverable (less likely to get stuck on something). I remembered this was a good choice from my Zombie Survival Guide. We hopped in, and to my delight I discovered a couple of pistols, a semiautomatic long rifle, then a sniper rifle and maybe a shotgun (hazy around that bit). Unfortunately reality doesn’t allow for us to actually manage to carry and fight with all these guns. So, in an attempt to make our way to the highway, we took off down the road into what was the city center, where it turned out the main battle was now taking place.
A word on the actual zombies, who were fairly traditional: you have to destroy the brain to kill them, can’t run. The difference from a traditional Romero zombie is that these could walk pretty damn fast. Imagine someone striding towards you as fast as they can.
In zombie movies that take place on a scale of national or global destruction, you always see the beginning, the aftermath, or some small corner of the battle. You are never placed in the middle of a city right as the outbreak hits. It turns out that it isn’t a very fun place to be. As the girl and I (who I will name Lisa for storytelling purposes) reached the streets, we immediately were plunged into chaos. There was a huge all-out battle going on in the streets. Crowds of humans were trying to push back or run from huge crowds of zombies. Lisa and I had to start shooting pretty quickly, as the car got stuck after only a minute down the street. The sky was red, and the moaning and snarling of the undead was all anyone could hear. Lisa was brandishing a pistol and I was firing the semiautomatic rifle, while having a hard time hanging on to the rest of the guns.
We weren’t holding up too well, but suddenly a huge semi truck came barreling through the nearest crowd, but then slowed down a few seconds. Lisa and I took the opportunity to jump on to it and climb in next to the driver. He barely noticed us, as he was more concerned with getting down the road. We sat on the edge, fighting off zombie that tried to grab onto the side of the truck, and picking off others. From this position I could see that the entire city was going down, with smoke and screams filling the sky around us. It wasn’t long before the semi got stuck and we had to abandon it. At this point, it seemed like the battle was over, and that the humans were just running away as fast as possible with zombies right behind them. It made for really claustrophobic and difficult fighting, as I’d have to constantly turn back and fire at any zombies that came from the back or the sides.
Just when we thought we couldn’t hold up any more, we reached two defense lines of humans: one ahead in the main street, and one that went down a side street. Lisa got swept by the crowd down the main, but I got pushed into the side street. After I got through the line of humans defending the street, everything calmed down for a moment. I talked a bit with some others, who were convinced that this line would hold out. I wasn’t, so I made my way into the nearest building in the protected area, to look for Lisa.
Now dreams have a way of jumping around, so I’m not sure if I walked right into a movie theater or just appeared there later. Anyway, I walked right into a movie theater, with a bunch of fairly nervous, gun-toting people watching a movie. I scanned the place for zombies, as they have a habit of appearing when you least expect it. I met Lisa there, and discovered she had found her boyfriend (go figure). I suggested we get out of the movie theater, and as we were leaving I spotted a man who wasn’t moving in a normal fashion. He was reaching for Lisa. I stepped in quickly, kicking the man down, and then smashing his head in with the butt of my rifle. Either I was used to it at this point, or it was just the dream turning me quickly into a cold-blooded zombie-killer.
At one point someone gave me a huge crossbow. It was either Lisa and her boyfriend or someone else, to thank me for the help I had given so far. Then I was in a Wal-Mart. Apparently we had all been evacuated and dumped out there. I began to open up my crossbow (it was really big, so much that I’d have to hang it on my back when I wasn’t using it). It was in one of those annoying plastic packages, much like the kind calculators come in.
The Wal-Mart was secure for a while, but I knew it wouldn’t hold out. They were bussing in people and leaving them there. I knew that were there were people, there would soon be zombies. My crossbow package didn’t come with any ammo, so I’d have to go to the sporting department to pick some up. After that I planned to head out on foot. The road was probably too congested at this point for cars, and busses are too hard to control and make too much noise. I would have liked to have a few people with me, so maybe some worthy companions would be dropped off soon. Then I’d head off, with the countryside being my destination. This city was lost.
Then I woke myself by mistake, kind of angry that I didn’t see how it all ended.

Jesus H Christ, I just woke up from a pretty scary nightmare with a huge budget. I remember most of it, but may have to fill in some of the minor details to make the story continuous:
I was driving for some reason, and I arrived in a big parking lot area (like the kind you find with stores all along the periphery of the parking lot. I got out of the car and started wandering over to a big crowd that seemed to be hanging out by a store. Some people began to break from the crowd, and ran past me screaming their heads off. I then noticed that some of the people didn’t look right, and that they began walking towards me. It didn’t take me very long to notice they were zombies, so I turned to run back to my car, only to discover that it had also been overrun by people trying to escape and then zombie on top of them. I looked about frantically, and finally saw a small car garage not far off. As I ran towards it I met up with a girl (my age) who was also making for it. We got in without any zombies really noticing us, so we slammed the outer door shut.
We talked for a while, mostly about what our next move was and what car we were going to take. In the end, we found a Camaro-like car with the keys on the seat. It was small and maneuverable (less likely to get stuck on something). I remembered this was a good choice from my Zombie Survival Guide. We hopped in, and to my delight I discovered a couple of pistols, a semiautomatic long rifle, then a sniper rifle and maybe a shotgun (hazy around that bit). Unfortunately reality doesn’t allow for us to actually manage to carry and fight with all these guns. So, in an attempt to make our way to the highway, we took off down the road into what was the city center, where it turned out the main battle was now taking place.
A word on the actual zombies, who were fairly traditional: you have to destroy the brain to kill them, can’t run. The difference from a traditional Romero zombie is that these could walk pretty damn fast. Imagine someone striding towards you as fast as they can.
In zombie movies that take place on a scale of national or global destruction, you always see the beginning, the aftermath, or some small corner of the battle. You are never placed in the middle of a city right as the outbreak hits. It turns out that it isn’t a very fun place to be. As the girl and I (who I will name Lisa for storytelling purposes) reached the streets, we immediately were plunged into chaos. There was a huge all-out battle going on in the streets. Crowds of humans were trying to push back or run from huge crowds of zombies. Lisa and I had to start shooting pretty quickly, as the car got stuck after only a minute down the street. The sky was red, and the moaning and snarling of the undead was all anyone could hear. Lisa was brandishing a pistol and I was firing the semiautomatic rifle, while having a hard time hanging on to the rest of the guns.
We weren’t holding up too well, but suddenly a huge semi truck came barreling through the nearest crowd, but then slowed down a few seconds. Lisa and I took the opportunity to jump on to it and climb in next to the driver. He barely noticed us, as he was more concerned with getting down the road. We sat on the edge, fighting off zombie that tried to grab onto the side of the truck, and picking off others. From this position I could see that the entire city was going down, with smoke and screams filling the sky around us. It wasn’t long before the semi got stuck and we had to abandon it. At this point, it seemed like the battle was over, and that the humans were just running away as fast as possible with zombies right behind them. It made for really claustrophobic and difficult fighting, as I’d have to constantly turn back and fire at any zombies that came from the back or the sides.
Just when we thought we couldn’t hold up any more, we reached two defense lines of humans: one ahead in the main street, and one that went down a side street. Lisa got swept by the crowd down the main, but I got pushed into the side street. After I got through the line of humans defending the street, everything calmed down for a moment. I talked a bit with some others, who were convinced that this line would hold out. I wasn’t, so I made my way into the nearest building in the protected area, to look for Lisa.
Now dreams have a way of jumping around, so I’m not sure if I walked right into a movie theater or just appeared there later. Anyway, I walked right into a movie theater, with a bunch of fairly nervous, gun-toting people watching a movie. I scanned the place for zombies, as they have a habit of appearing when you least expect it. I met Lisa there, and discovered she had found her boyfriend (go figure). I suggested we get out of the movie theater, and as we were leaving I spotted a man who wasn’t moving in a normal fashion. He was reaching for Lisa. I stepped in quickly, kicking the man down, and then smashing his head in with the butt of my rifle. Either I was used to it at this point, or it was just the dream turning me quickly into a cold-blooded zombie-killer.
At one point someone gave me a huge crossbow. It was either Lisa and her boyfriend or someone else, to thank me for the help I had given so far. Then I was in a Wal-Mart. Apparently we had all been evacuated and dumped out there. I began to open up my crossbow (it was really big, so much that I’d have to hang it on my back when I wasn’t using it). It was in one of those annoying plastic packages, much like the kind calculators come in.
The Wal-Mart was secure for a while, but I knew it wouldn’t hold out. They were bussing in people and leaving them there. I knew that were there were people, there would soon be zombies. My crossbow package didn’t come with any ammo, so I’d have to go to the sporting department to pick some up. After that I planned to head out on foot. The road was probably too congested at this point for cars, and busses are too hard to control and make too much noise. I would have liked to have a few people with me, so maybe some worthy companions would be dropped off soon. Then I’d head off, with the countryside being my destination. This city was lost.
Then I woke myself by mistake, kind of angry that I didn’t see how it all ended.