Friday, July 09, 2004
How to pronounce "scones"

I was right, most people over here pronounce "scone" in a way that rhymes with "bon" as in "bon fire." Many of my friends insisted that it is pronounced "scones" as in rhyming with "moans." Apparently a minority in the UK pronounce it this way, including this Irish guy I know. If the Irish prounounce it in the "moans" way, then that probably means Irish-Catholics do, and that's why Americans pronounce it the same way. Interesting, isn't it?
Well, a week from now I'll be packing to go home. From that point onward it'll be research for my honors thesis. I'll have a house all to myself for a week, which would be fun if I had anyone to visit. Maybe I'll take a trip.
I finally have managed to cook properly. I pan-fried some chicken for quesadillas the other day. Once I figure out making pasta, I'll run around yelling "bam!" and forcing my food on other people.
I've begun to miss Clemson a bit... I'm ready to move in to our ghetto apartment and begin life anew. I'm also ready to see my computer again. It's probably soooo lonely *sniff* I'm going to miss the food though. Ordinary grocery food is so good over here. Nothing like coming back from a run and downing a hot-cross bun, or maybe some Fruit Gums.
I've found a good midi-tracker, btw. Anyone interested in making some easy music with it? I'll post some of my songs soon, since midi-files are rather small. Caustic Cindex lives!