Friday, July 09, 2004
No, you don't get to make anymore movies, mate

Well, last night my parents, my cousin Rosie and I attempted to watch Irreversible. I thought it might be this movie I read about... one that drove people out of the theater at the Cannes film festival... but I wasn't sure.
Well it was. Don't rent this movie. You'd be lucky if you could even find it in America. It has two of the most violent scenes ever depicted in a non-pornographic film, and I believe the director was attempt to get the audience to vomit during the first 10 minutes. For one thing, the camera is never still... it is always sliding around or spinning upside down. The story moves backwards in time (by the way, this is a French movie) and suddenly we find ourselves at a 'club' called the Rectum. That's right, the Rectum.
The Rectum is a gay dungeon, and the protagonist is looking for some guy there. You don't really see anything, but you can tell some really stick things are happening from all the groans. At the same time, there is this low buzzing noise, that, if it were played on a big system, would really really make you sick. The dark and damp looking multi-leveled club is full of naked men groaning and getting it on. The protagonist's attempts to find his mark are usually daunted by a request for a blow-job. Finally, after much fast-forwarding, he finds the man he was looking for. They get in a fight, and then suddenly the camera stays still as the protagonist spends 2 minutes beating the other man's head in with what looked like a fire extinguisher.
That pretty much ended the movie for us, but I hear that Monica Belluci is brutally raped later on (the man killed the other guy in The Rectum as payback). We didn't make it that far. Why did someone make this movie?