Saturday, July 10, 2004
What's going to happen in October?

Just a quick news analysis and a prediction for the future.
Recently the US Senate committee has placed almost all the blame on US intelligence failings on the CIA, and none on the administration. Note that it isn't that they haven't found anything on Bush, it is that they haven't started phase 2 yet (which isn't scheduled to be complete until, fancy that, after the election).
The committe is Republican dominated, and headed by a best friend of Dick Cheney, so take it's report lightly. Remember that Bush and Cheney immediately tried to find an excuse to attack Iraq after 9/11. When Richard Clarke said that it was time to go for Afghanistan, Rumsfeld actually said, "But there aren't any good targets there."
The administration is claiming that Bin Laden is planning to strike within the US this year, possibly before the election. Don't you find it funny that our intelligence is good enough to find out what the enemy is planning, but not his location? This is a longshot, but a possibility for the future:
Bush is still taking a lot of flak for never finding Osama. The only issue he can hold onto as we head towards the November election, is his ability to keep America safe. Right now, the American people are being told that Al Qaeda is going to try and strike later this year. Now, try and think of what would be a perfect save for Bush, one that would almost insure his re-election. What if the Al Qaeda plan was foiled in say, October. Even better, what if Osama Bin Laden was captured or killed in October?
This is complete and utter speculation, but not totally improbable. All I'm asking is that you keep an open mind concerning the administration's actions in the future, especially coming up to the election. The Republicans know that things are turning to shit, so they will try something at the last minute. What they'll do is hard to say.
So what do you think the two parties going to pull in October?