
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Broken promises  


It was the free food that attracted Matt and me to the meeting. We crowded into the back room at the center, which was filling up with freshmen guys. There were seriously only three or four women there, which was a bit depressing. After giving us some of the basic rules for living there, the RAs declared that the free food was, in fact, in the Calhoun Courts center, so we would walk there to get it.

There was some grumbling, but most of us shuffeled over there. We were ushered into a meeting room in the basement, where we discovered that there wasn't any food there. The chief RA consoled us:

"Don't worry! It's coming, it hasn't arrived yet!"

Someone asked whether or not it would be pizza, to which another RA responded that they didn't know yet.

Matt and I sat down and waited. And waited. And waited. Eventually Napoleon showed up, and proceeded to do an impression of John Kerry. Then, he went away, and returned with punch and cookies.

We began eating the punch and cookies, wondering when the real food was showing up, when someone else from RHA showed up, and started talking to us like we were in a meeting. She told us that there were positions to be held for changing things in Thornhill, etc. Someone interrupted her to find out when the food was coming. Then the horrible truth came out:

the small container of cookies was the food, we were being scammed into this RHA recruitment attempt.

Matt and I immediately put down our punch and left. Of all the dirty things to pull....

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