
Saturday, August 07, 2004

The violence inherent in the system 

For an awesome list of my dvds with a description of each movie, check out this link!

I knew life was absurd, when, in Holland, I saw a bank called "Robabank"

On Wednesday, Mom and I entertained a 8 year old named Michael. He's pretty cool for a kid, so we took him to go see the less-than-fabulous, but ok King Arthur. Afterwards, I had to entertain him for 30 minutes, and since I was tired of watching him play horribly at Mega Man X, I decided to play the only Gamecube game tame enough to let him have a go at:

Soul Calibur 2.

He wasn't very good, but kids have a way of forgetting the past fairly quickly. Despite trying to let him win, I was still utterly destroying me, until he finally won once, and then acted like he had been schooling me the entire time:

Michael: "Wooo! I won! Hahahaha I BEAT YOU!"

Later, we'd start a match and he'd go, "Hold on one second, I want to figure out the controls," and then he'd just charge me and attack me!"

The worst part, after I was convinced that I had chosen a tame enough game, he destroyed my character, and said, "Whoa! Cool! I just slammeda girl against a staircase!"

I responded, "Uh, no, that's not cool. You know this is just a game, right? I mean, crap. Oh crap."

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