
Thursday, October 21, 2004

Take a second and look at what you don't have 

From Her Majesty's Consul General
Michael C Bates OBE

19 October 2004

Dear Mr. Collin,
Marshall Scholarship 2005-2007

The Marshall Scholarship Selection Committee for the Atlanta Region met on 18 October 2004 to consider the applications for scholarships to be awarded next year. After careful consideration the Committee reluctantly decided not to include your name among those invited to attend for an interview.

I am sorry to send you this disappointing message. Failure to secure an interview in no way implies any reflection on the ability of a candidate. There was a large number of applicants to consider, and the Committee was only able to select a very small group for interview.

Thank you for your application.
I wish you every success and happiness in your future career.

Michael Bates

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