Friday, December 03, 2004
Wake up and smell the ashes, Mr. Freeman.

There isn't much to say about Half-life 2, except that it fully lives up to expectations on every level. If you haven't played it yet, then I suggest you go out and get a copy right now. It'll play on your machine, trust me, it plays better than anyone would have figured.
Rather than do a standard review, which you can find anywhere, I'll just note that, despite its very alien and sci-fi oriented setting, HL2 feels like a very human game. The screenshots don't do the character's the emotional justice they deserve... the facial animation is just brilliant.
And then there is Gordon Freeman himself... or should I say yourself? You are Gordon, and this is your story. It's really up to you to save mankind again. Go play it.
These were all taken as I played through the game: