
Friday, February 25, 2005

Semantics and mathematics 

Definition: The K-C-K index.

Let n be the number of Semantics staff that Matthew Collin knows. Let t be the number of Semantics staff that Matthew Collin knows required to produce a copy of Semantics that spells his last name correctly.

If n >= t, then Matt's last name will be spelled "Collin."

If n < t , then Matt's last name will be spelled "Colin."

t is known as the K-C-K index, and is purely a theoretic number, as, so far, there has been no n reached that leads to a correct name-spelling result.

Some have theorized that there is a function f:n--->SPL, with SPL being the set of different spellings of the last names. Others have theorized that f(n) is bounded at "Colin", and so even if n approaches infinity, f(n) will never equal "Collin."

But seriously, I was happy and grateful to see my work in the latest issue; so thanks to all those involved... even if you did get my name wrong again!

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