
Saturday, June 18, 2005

The Patient 

We were driving again, but this time we had a mission. However, two of us couldn’t stand each other. I don’t know his name, so we’ll call him Jack for now.

Jack and I had problems, and they needed to be worked out pronto. Our van stopped at a gas station so we could work out our problems. Jack was bigger than me, but I had it in my mind to beat the tar out of him.

I’ve never really been in a fight in real life, although I got slapped around once when I was in middle-school. I took karate for a long time, but luckily never had to use it. However, whenever I get in fights in my dreams, I always end up hurting my opponent badly, and never even receive a scratch, leaving me guilty as hell.

Well you can see where this fight is going. Jack and I made a big show of it, each taking off our outer layers of shirts (it was a cold day) until we were just in t-shirts, jeans, and bare feet. We circled each other for a second, and then with little hesitation we went at it. As expected, I put him down fairly quickly, but then I proceeded to hit him just a few times to many while he was down.

Suddenly we were outside a gas station anymore, we were in some strange building… almost like an asylum. “Oh shit,” I thought: Jack didn’t look like he was breathing. Someone unseen announced to me that Jack’s body was dying, and that the only thing they could do to save him would be to remove his head.

Next thing I knew, Jack’s head was in a box with all these wires attached to it, and he was groaning. But somehow I knew that this wasn’t going to work, and that he was going to die soon. Suddenly the rest from the van were in the room with me. I suggested we get Jack to a proper hospital soon. They wanted to go on.

You see, we were looking for treasure or something very valuable out in the desert. We had just found out the exact location, and the others were very eager to get out there. They didn’t care that Jack was dying. One of the girls, Lindsey, was very adamant that we go on. I suggested that another girl, Melissa, take a separate car and drive Jack to the hospital a couple of hours back. They seemed to like that idea.

But it was not to be, suddenly the door was kicked down, and the asylum security rushed the room. In the confusion, a fire was started, and we all jumped out the window and rushed down the fire escape. I was on the ground floor before I realized we had left Jack’s head up there to burn. Somehow we had all decided it was best for poor Jack.

Security was chasing us down. I heard my dad somewhere in the background, telling me to run. The guard shot me with a pepper spray gun, and I went down. Through my burning eyes, I saw Jack, back to his normal head-attached-to-body status. And he was running away, he was all right. I blacked out.

I woke up.

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