Monday, July 25, 2005

Some last minute things:
The Spider Dance
I had to go out early one morning to help my grandmother with some errands. Kyle and Matt were visiting, but both were asleep. When I opened our front door to leave, I noticed that a very large spider had spun a web in front of the door. I was in a hurry, so I just ducked under it on my way out while making a mental note to take it down on my way back.
When I returned a few hours later I, of course, walked right into it, and proceeded to perform what is known as the Holy-Shit-I-just-walked-into-a-spider-web-and-I-don't-know-if-the-spider-is-on-me-but-I'm-going-to-flail-and-scream-like-a-little-girl-until-it's-off dance. While the neighbors must have gotten a good laugh, Kyle and Matt were still fast asleep, so luck was on my side.
While IMing with a friend online, I came up with this slice of genius:
***karoonus - i gotta go help make dinner, i'll be back on in a bit :-) ... firing up the grill, so pray for me
***karoonus - i'm grill-challenged
A Matt In A Box - hah, that's ok, I'm grilliterate
Weight-room nostalgia
The crappy local modern rock station is usually playing in CCU's weight room, which provides little assistance to the difficulty of flexing and grunting appropriately. However, a mid-90s classic by Korn came on today. As "Blind" began, everyone (including yours truly) took a break and waited for a moment, then all began lifting again the moment the song got heavy. After that I screamed and dropped the weights I was holding on a kitten.
But seriously, the music can be very important for some people. One day when I was in there crunching walnuts in between my biceps, an African-American fellow next to me stop lifting when a whiney classic rock song came on and complained (loudly, but strangely to no one in particular) that he couldn't and wouldn't lift to such nonsense.
Meeting the cast of Six Feet Under
Our home in Beverley is across the street from *gulp* a funeral director's. I always made fun of this fact, noting that there was always a light on in that place. The first time a hearse drove out of there, I nearly had a heart attack. However we've never had to complain about boisterous neighbors, I'm still taking extra precautions, as a zombie outbreak would not spell good news for our location.
However, my parents have managed to make contact with the family running and living in the place. Apparently they are all quite nice, and the son and daughter living there are both my age, and might make reasonable friends during my impending two month stay there. I am upset though, because I'll no longer be able to make fun of the house across the street.
Today's song: Alkaline Trio - Smoke