Saturday, July 30, 2005

I practice Safe Spading
I was in Walmart today, waiting to buy a cd-holder at a self-checkout station. In front of me was a couple with two little girls and they were buying what looked like beach toys (spades, buckets, etc). After they finished, I stepped up and bought my item. When I reached for my receipt, I found that the family had left theirs behind. A unwarranted scan of the items revealed something rather funny:
Plastic Spade
Plastic Bucket
Beach Towl
Plastic Spade
Plastic Spade
Plastic Bucket
Beach Towl
The Ring must be destroyed..... under par!
While playing putt-putt with Kyle, Matt, and Jon a few weeks ago, I thought up a great theme for the sport: Lord of the Rings golf.
Think of it, each hole represents a part of the story, starting with hole #1 in the Shire and hole #18 finds the player putting their balls into the crack of doom. Add some orcs and men of Rohan, and you've got a winner!
Cat Power
Let me introduce you to the family:

She is not the top cat, and can only pick on Maude (see below).
Alberta (below) is the oldest cat in the house (around 14 years of age). She is very thin, but also terribly fluffy, and enjoys a good lap to sit and purr on. She often disgraces herself by treating our house as a huge litter box, so recently we've had to keep her out half of the day.
Still, Alberta is a very simple cat: lap=happy

Below we have Clouie, the only cat I know with severe personality disorder. She spends a great deal of her time staring at me and creeping me out. Her moods will vary from very docile to extremely agitated, when she will squeak like a mouse and swipe at me before running away.

Below is Maude, who is the victim of the family, and the fattest cat of the bunch. She gets beaten up by all the other cats save Alberta, who remains her ally. Maude takes it out on herself by eating too much. She is our only cat that actively seeks out a good tummy rub in the middle of the day.

As far as Lily is concerned, I'm afraid I couldn't find her to take a picture. She is a small, grey tabby. She was rescued by mom from a life of begging outside the local hospital. As a result, she is the only cat who begs for scraps at the table, and often eats food out of tins when the humans are unsuspecting.
Song for the day: Nada Surf - Blizzard of 77