
Friday, May 21, 2004

The winners of the contest! 

Well, the results are in for the winner of the Defend your genitalia! contest!

I didn't get many entries, but that doesn't mean it wasn't hard deciding, so I made Own3d pics for everyone who sent in an entry (Except for Pam, of whom I have no picture to make an own3d pic at this time).

Anyway, here we go. The winner is.... *Drumroll*

Scott, with his excellent in-depth look into the personal life of a penis!

For 2nd place, we have a 4 way tie between Brian, Pam, Jon, and Kristina! [Brian gets two own3d pics because he submitted two entries (which isn't really legal but hey, I'm the guy in charge)] Kristina's was hard because I don't have a picture of her actually own3ng someone, so I had to improvise!

Thank you for participating!

And now, for general own3d pleasure, two extra own3d pics!

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